
Tutorial: Moving Scenes and Sources from Streamlabs to OBS Studio

Are you transitioning from Streamlabs to OBS Studio and need to move your scenes, sources, and settings seamlessly? Follow this step-by-step tutorial to ensure a smooth migration.

Step 1: Move Scenes and Sources

  1. Open Streamlabs Desktop and click the dropdown arrow next to your scenes. Select “Manage All” to view your scene collections. Streamlabs Desktop – Scene Collections
  2. Note the collections you want to import (e.g., stream-starting, chatting, gameplay, stream-ending).
  3. Open OBS Studio, go to Settings → General → Importers, and enable “Search known locations for scene collections when importing.”
  4. Navigate to Scene Collection → Import and choose the collections you noted from Streamlabs Desktop. Click “Import.”
  5. In the menu bar, select “Scene Collection” and choose the imported collection. OBS will use this collection, transferring elements from Streamlabs Desktop.
  6. Minor adjustments, like refreshing a browser source, may be needed, but overall, elements should import correctly. OBS Studio – Scene Imported

Step 2: Move Stream Settings to OBS Studio

  1. Unfortunately, there’s no direct method for moving stream settings. Choose one of the following options:
    • Note settings from Streamlabs and manually configure OBS Studio.
    • Use the Auto-Configuration Wizard in OBS Studio (Tools menu) for faster setup. Apply recommended settings post-tests.
  2. For Twitch or YouTube streaming, connect your account in OBS Studio (Settings → Stream → Connect Account). Connect Twitch Account in OBS Studio
  3. Customize your layout in OBS Studio, matching your Streamlabs layout with some effort. Add webpages as docked elements for additional features. Custom Browser Docks in OBS Studio

Step 3: Move Alerts to StreamElements

  1. Log in to StreamElements, click your profile picture, select “Import,” then “Streamlabs.”
  2. Use the StreamElements Chrome Extension to export alerts quickly. Install, open, and start the import process. StreamElements Chrome Extension
  3. Verify the imported alert box in StreamElements, making adjustments if needed.
  4. Copy the browser source URL and add a Browser Source in OBS Studio, pasting the URL. Test actions to ensure correct display. Browser Source Alerts in OBS Studio

Step 4: Move Donations to StreamElements

  1. In StreamElements, go to Tipping Settings in the Revenue tab. Customize settings and update Twitch panels or links with the new donation page URL. Donation Settings in StreamElements

Step 5: Move Chat Bot to StreamElements

  1. StreamElements offers a chatbot with commands, timers, and spam filters. Unfortunately, custom commands from Cloudbot can’t be directly imported.
  2. Enable default StreamElements commands or explore other chatbots like Nightbot or Moobot.

Step 6: Move Merch to StreamElements

  1. If switching your merch store provider from Streamlabs, recreate designs on StreamElements. Update links with the new store link.
  2. Alternatively, explore other merch store providers like DesignByHumans or Teespring.


Transitioning from Streamlabs to alternatives like OBS Studio and StreamElements offers greater customization, reliability, and control over your streaming experience. OBS Studio allows full layout customization, while StreamElements provides effective tip processing and engagement through its chatbot.

Ultimately, the decision to switch depends on personal preference. With this guide, you now have the knowledge to make a smooth transition if you choose to do so!


Host of Streamer Conversations Podcast, where we talk about all things streaming from tech, hardware, software, general help and mental health.With a long history in Advertising, Audio Engineering, Tech, and Photography. Just here to share what I have learned. LGBTQIA/ASD - Mental Health Advocate.