
Tutorial: Integrating Tiltify with Mixitup for Twitch Donations

Step 1: Download, Install, and Setup Mixitup

  1. Begin by downloading Mixitup from the official website and follow the installation instructions provided.
  2. Once installed, launch Mixitup and proceed to the main dashboard.

Step 2: Connect Tiltify to Mixitup

  1. Click on the menu icon located in the upper-left corner of the Mixitup dashboard.
  2. Select “Services” from the menu options.
  3. Log in to your Tiltify account and choose the campaign you want to connect to Mixitup.

Step 3: Configuring Mixitup for Tiltify Donations

  1. After connecting Tiltify, click the menu icon again in the upper-left corner.
  2. Choose “Events” from the menu options.
  3. Look for the “Add Command” or “Edit” option related to Donations, specifically for Tiltify.

Step 4: Setting up Basic Chat Messages

  1. Click on the “Chat Message” in the “Action” drop-down menu, then click the plus icon to add a new message.
  2. Create a basic chat message using the following template
  1. New Donation has been received! Someone Donated: $tiltifydonationamount. We are this much closer to our $tiltifydonationgoal Dollar Goal!
  2. Where $tiltifydonationamount is the variable representing the donation amount and $tiltifydonationgoal with your current donation goal.
  3. Click “Save” to confirm.

Step 5: Adding Optional Donation Messages

  1. To add more information or links for your viewers, click the plus icon to add another chat message.
  2. Create a message with the following template

For more information about this Campaign, please check out: $tiltifycampaignurl

Where $tiltifycampaignurl is the variable for the link to your Tiltify campaign.

Click “Save” to confirm.

Optionally, add another chat message with the template:

  1. If you would like to donate to this Charity, please go here: $tiltifydonationurl
  2. Where $tiltifydonationurl is the variable with the link to your Tiltify donation page.
  3. Click “Save” to confirm.

Step 6: Adding a Wait Command (Optional)

Optionally, you can add a wait command between messages. For example, you can insert a 5-second wait command to space out the messages.

Step 7: Testing and Implementing the Commands

  1. Test your setup by making a mock donation to your Tiltify campaign.
  2. Ensure that the chat messages are triggered as expected.
  3. Consider creating a command (e.g., !charity) that viewers can use to trigger the Tiltify messages manually.

By following these steps, you have successfully integrated Tiltify with Mixitup, providing your viewers with real-time information and encouraging them to engage with your charity campaign on Twitch.


Host of Streamer Conversations Podcast, where we talk about all things streaming from tech, hardware, software, general help and mental health.With a long history in Advertising, Audio Engineering, Tech, and Photography. Just here to share what I have learned. LGBTQIA/ASD - Mental Health Advocate.