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Article: Exploring the Networking Landscape on Twitch in 2023

Greetings, fellow gamers and streamers! 🕹️✨ As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of online content creation in 2023, mastering the art of networking is crucial. Today, I’m thrilled to share a comprehensive strategy that has proven successful for me—forging connections with Twitch streamers and collaborating seamlessly for mutual growth. 🌟

🔄 Crafting a Consistent Schedule: Embark on your networking journey by establishing a solid streaming schedule or routine. Identify streamers whose time slots align with yours or those who are live when you plan to execute a raid. For variety streamers like myself, finding those immersed in the same game can be a thrilling challenge.

👀 Lurk, Observe, and Engage: Once you’ve identified a potential collaborator, step into their stream incognito. Lurk for a while, immerse yourself in their content, and engage organically. Initiate conversations about the game they’re currently playing, inquire about their build, discuss upcoming DLC, or explore any intriguing topic that aligns with their stream theme. During this phase, it’s crucial to keep your streamer identity under wraps.

💬 Becoming a Community Regular: Forge a genuine connection not only with the streamer but also with their community. Regularly participate in chats, discussions, and any associated Discord channels. Become a familiar face and contributor before unveiling your identity as a fellow streamer.

🎉 The Element of Surprise Raid: Timing is everything. When you sense the perfect moment, execute a surprise raid. The responses are often priceless, with reactions like “OMG, I didn’t know you stream!” This is where the groundwork of authentic engagement truly pays off.

🚀 Integration into Discord Community: If the streamer has a Discord server, immerse yourself in the community. Actively participate in discussions, share insights, and comment on posts. This not only solidifies your presence but also showcases your commitment to being an integral part of their gaming family.

🌐 Proposing a Grand Collaboration: After several successful raids and having established yourself within their community, it’s time to propose a collaboration. Approach the streamer with a well-thought-out plan for a significant streaming event. Share your vision, discuss how both of your communities can benefit, and highlight the excitement this collaboration would bring to your respective audiences.

Remember, the key to success lies in authenticity, patience, and the genuine desire to build meaningful connections. Happy networking, and may your streams continue to captivate audiences far and wide!


Host of Streamer Conversations Podcast, where we talk about all things streaming from tech, hardware, software, general help and mental health.With a long history in Advertising, Audio Engineering, Tech, and Photography. Just here to share what I have learned. LGBTQIA/ASD - Mental Health Advocate.