
How to Setup Alerts using Twitch Alerts

To set up alerts for your streaming channel, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Alerts Page in the Creator Dashboard. Here, you’ll find the option to Create an Alert Set.
  2. An alert set is a collection of alerts to be displayed on your video feed, covering actions like subscribing, following, raiding, hype trains, and more. You can name your set and provide a description.
  3. Alert sets are useful for customizing your alerts for different games or occasions. They also allow you to display one set of alerts in one location of your stream and another set in a different location.
  4. You can easily toggle alert sets on or off, as well as rename or delete them, once you’ve copied the browser source into your broadcasting software.

For a detailed look at the different alert variants:

  1. Utilize the Preview Alert feature to see how your alert will look.
  2. Click “Edit Alerts” for the desired alert set to access the alerts editor page.
  3. In the editor, you can see a list of events for which you can create alerts, including Follows, Subscriptions, Hype Trains, Goals, Charity, Raids, Cheering, and more. You can create specific “variants” for each event based on various conditions. For instance, you can have different alerts for 6-month subscribers and 2-month subscribers, each with its own images, sounds, and animations.
  4. To create a new variant, select “New Variant” under the type of alert you want to add. Alternatively, you can start from a pre-made default alert variant.
  5. The key setting to enable when creating or editing a variant is the Alert Condition, which determines when the alert appears. Conditions vary depending on the alert event.
  6. After naming and specifying the condition, you can customize various options to make your alerts unique.
  7. To learn more about customizing alert variants, refer to the “Types of Twitch’s Alerts” article.

Organizing Variants:

  1. Variants help you handle different conditions, but variant priority becomes important when multiple conditions apply. You can renumber or rearrange variants to prioritize them. Higher priority variants will display first if conditions overlap.
  2. As a rule of thumb, more specific variants should have higher priority. For example, a “2-Month Subscribers” alert should have higher priority than an “All Subscribers” alert.
  3. You can easily activate or deactivate alert variants by toggling them.

Enabling Browser Source:

  1. Once you’ve created your alert set, you need to enable it in your broadcasting software using a Browser Source. This unique URL is generated for each alert set, allowing you to display alerts when specified conditions are met.
  2. Copy the URL from the editing view’s bottom right corner and paste it into your broadcasting software.
  3. You can also copy the browser source by clicking the triple-dot menu on the alert set.
  4. Ensure that the dimensions of the browser source match those in the alerts editor to maintain the same appearance.
  5. You only need to copy the browser source for an alert set once. Any changes made in the Creator Dashboard will be reflected during your stream. To test, use “Send Test Alert.”
  6. You can also disable alerts by toggling off the set in the Creator Dashboard.

Deleting Alerts:

  1. Deleting an alert variant or set is irreversible. Double-check your decision before proceeding. To delete a variant, go to its settings, open the “DANGER ZONE” section, and click “Delete Variant.”
  2. To delete an alert set, navigate to the alert settings page, click the Vertical Dots menu icon on the respective set, select “Delete,” and confirm.

Bulk Edit & Duplicate:

  1. For quick settings changes across multiple variants, use “Bulk Edit.” Select the variants you want to update and make changes at once.
  2. If you want to create a copy of an entire alert for minor adjustments, choose “Duplicate.”

Activity Feed:

  1. Manage alerts within your Activity Feed. Turn on Live Alerts Controls from the Alerts page or Stream Manager.
  2. Live Alerts Controls allow you to skip, replay, enable/disable specific alerts, and enable “Do Not Disturb” to temporarily disable all alerts.
  3. Each alert you create corresponds to an Activity Feed event for easy management.


Host of Streamer Conversations Podcast, where we talk about all things streaming from tech, hardware, software, general help and mental health.With a long history in Advertising, Audio Engineering, Tech, and Photography. Just here to share what I have learned. LGBTQIA/ASD - Mental Health Advocate.